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Glide, Slide, and Take Pride in Your Crokicurl Skills This Winter

Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Rebecca Mennecke | photos by Andrea Paulseth | VolumeOne

now that you've had time to practice, here's how you can crokicurl through the chilliest months of the year


Croki-what? If you remember this unique Canadian sport from last winter - say it with me: crokicurl - then get ready to show your skill at River Prairie Park this winter with no shortage of opportunities to crokicurl.

Crokicurl combines the Olympic ice sport of curling with crokinole, a Canadian board game in which players flick chips toward the highest-ranking region on an octagonal board. Crokicurl, however, is played on a large ice rink and substitutes curling stones for small chips.

And last winter, Altoona's River Prairie Park unveiled the first crokicurl rink in the U.S. Here are a few opportunities to slide, glide, and (hopefully) not collide this winter.


COST: $5 

Whether you know how to play, or you're like most Americans who have never heard of this new sport, check out the new Crokicurl Family Fun Nights, where two, two-person teams (comprising individuals ages six and up) can play matches at 6, 6:30, 7, 7:30, and 8pm. A maximum of ten teams are allowed per night, with three out of five rounds per match. Registration costs $5 per two-person team. Register to stay in the loop of dates, as it depends on the weather! (Wisconsin weather, am I right?)


COST: $40 

Stretch your skills with this new crokicurl league, which is open to two-person teams comprising adults aged 18+. The number of games is determined on registration (the more the merrier!), with the league limited to eight teams. Get ready to crokicurl at River Prairie Park every Tuesday night from 7-9pm (dependent on weather). The cost is $40 per two-person team. Register to stay in the loop of dates.


COST: $20 

Want to blend a family-friendly environment with folks of all ages? Check out this new family-friendly crokicurl tournament, which is open to teams of two players ages six and up. Teams will be split into two pools of three, where a round robin will be played. Round robin play will be three out of five rounds per match with the top two teams moving on to bracket play. There is an eight-team limit. Check it out at 9am. The cost is $20 per two-person team. Register to stay up to date on the schedule.


COST: $20 

You read that right: the U.S. Crokicurl Championships are slated right here in Altoona on the Front Porch Plaza in River Prairie Park and is open to teams of two players, ages 16 and up. Play will be double elimination with three out of five rounds being played per match in the winner's bracket, and two out of three rounds being played per match in the consolation bracket. The start time will be in the morning and will be determined based on the number of teams registered. Register by Jan. 27 at noon! If there's inclement weather, the tournament will be moved to another date. There is a 16 team limit. The cost is $20 per two-person team.

For more information about upcoming recreation opportunities in Altoona (or how to register), check out more info here.

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