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HATCH Business Pitch Competition | November 16, 2021 | 5pm-9pm | FREE

Friday, October 15, 2021


On November 16th, during Startup Chippewa Valley Week, the Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation is bringing the Chippewa Valley another HATCH Business Pitch Competition. Join us at the River Prairie Center in Altoona, Wisconsin for a night of buzzing in the hive, networking, and hearing the next best business ideas! Whether you're an entrepreneur, investor, or workforce professional, the Chippewa Valley HATCH Pitch Competition is for everyone! Register as an audience member for FREE by visiting //

PITCH CONTEST | Click here for an application >>

Do you have a scalable business model that can reach high growth rates over time? Do you have a product or idea that can transform into a wide variety of products or a service that is specific to certain industries or markets? Is the product at an early stage and currently being tested as the go-to market strategy and sales channels are being fine-tuned? Then the Chippewa Valley HATCH Pitch Competition is for you! CCEDC partnered with CoLab and other sponsors to gather regional investors at the River Prairie Center in celebration of Startup Chippewa Valley Week.

They are looking for exceptional teams and products that fit their investment criteria so they can make a return on their investment. Local investors are a key part of the Chippewa Valley entrepreneurial ecosystem and might be able to provide the capital that your startup needs. As an entrepreneur, you will have five minutes to pitch your idea to a panel of judges and a live audience. Spectators will have a chance to evaluate and vote (using for their favorite pitch alongside the judges. Beyond the reward, this is an opportunity for you to share your fresh and creative business idea to supportive investors, businesses, and community members! You could be flying high with a reward of over $3,000-that's a lot of honey!

Ready to apply to pitch? Download the application here.

Want to be a voting audience member? Snag your spot by submitting an RSVP >> click here!

WOULD YOU "BEE" OUR SPONSOR? | Click here for sponsorship form >>

The CCEDC invites you to attend/sponsor this high profile entrepreneurial event. Seize this valuable opportunity to generate top-of-mind awareness for your company among leading venture capitalists, investment bankers, corporate/private investors, and senior executives of emerging companies.

Honey Bee - $2000
Judging opportunity, spoken recognition throughout event, logo recognition in event promotions, publicity, and signage, a private, company recognized table, opportunity to host unlimited guests with priority seating, opportunity to host BEAR Lunch & Learn workshop.

Bumble Bee - $1000
Company recognition in event promotions, recognition in event promotions and signage, a private, company recognized table, opportunity to host 10 guests with priority seating, opportunity to host BEAR Lunch & Learn workshop.

Mining Bee - $750
Company recognition in event promotions and signage, company recognized table for 5 guests.

Carpenter Bee - $500
2 complimentary event tickets, company recognized table with hosting opportunities for 4 guests.

Drone - $250
2 complimentary event tickets, opportunity to host 3 guests.

Read more about this article »