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City of Altoona Citizen Resource Bank

Friday, July 15, 2016
City of Altoona staff

Over 40 citizens serve their fellow Altoona citizens on boards, commissions and committees.  These groups advise the City Council on various matters.  The City Clerk's office maintains a Citizen Resource Bank made up of city residents interested in serving on one of the many boards, commissions or committees.  The primary qualifications are an interest in participating in City government and a willingness to work with others to help address the needs of our Altoona.  You will find below a list of opportunities to serve, responsibilities, meeting schedules and term of appointment.

We encourage you to submit a Citizen Resource Bank Form for the boards, commissions or committees that interest you.  When a vacancy occurs, you may then be considered to serve.   Please fill out the form and e-mail it to  You are welcome to provide additional information such as a resume or vitae that may support your appointment.  Your application will be maintained in the Citizen Resource Bank for three (3) years.  If you have questions, please contact the City Clerk's office at 715-839-6092 or

Citizen Resource Bank Form >>

Ad Hoc Altoona Business Park Development Review Committee
Responsibilities: Reviews development plans for the Altoona Business Park.
Meets: As needed, which is typically not more than one time per year.
Term: One year

Ad Hoc Knollwood Restrictive Covenant Review Committee
Responsibilities: Reviews all plans, grant, deny and/or condition all approvals necessary under any restrictive covenants which the city has the responsibility to enforce and/or administer.
Meets: As needed, which is typically 1-2 times per year.
Term: One year

Altoona Housing Authority
Responsibilities: Oversees operations and expenditures of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (H.U.D.) funded low income rentals.
Meets: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m.
Term: Four years

Community Development Committee
Responsibilities: Oversees the issuance of community development loans which are made possible by Federal programs and administered by the State of Wisconsin.  Loans are issued to low and moderate income qualified home owners.
Meets: As needed, which is typically not more than one time per year.
Term: Four years

Finance Committee
Responsibilities: Monitors ongoing financial operations of the city, formulates recommendations for the city's long-term financial planning, reviews annual comprehensive financial report.
Meets: As needed, which is typically 1-2 times per year.
Term: One year

Library Board
Responsibilities: Oversees operations, supervises administration of the library, expenditure of moneys, making of annual reports, managing and disposing of gifts and donations and other powers and duties described in statutes.
Meets: 3rd Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m.
Term: Three years

Parks & Recreation Committee
Responsibilities: Reviews and formulates policies pertaining to stewardship of city parks and recreational facilities; reviews and recommends recreational programs.
Meets: 4th Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
Term: Three years

Personnel Committee
Responsibilities: Reviews and recommends city policies pertaining to personnel; reviews wage and salary ranges of employees not represented by unions; oversees collective bargaining subcommittee, which shall conduct labor negotiations and make recommendations regarding collective bargaining agreements; reviews employee grievances as set forth in the city personnel policy.
Meets: As needed, which is typically 1-2 times per year.
Term: Two years

Plan Commission
Responsibilities: Makes, adopts and amends the comprehensive plan for the physical development of the city; makes reports and recommendations consistent with the spirit and intent of the comprehensive plan.
Meets: 2nd Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
Term: Three years

Police & Fire Commission
Responsibilities: Oversees all aspects of Fire Department and Police Department operations.  The Commission sets policy while the chief of each department manages daily operations and implements the Commission's policy direction and goals.
Meets: As needed, which is typically 4-6 times per year.
Term: Five years

Zoning Board of Appeals
Responsibilities: Authorized to hear appeals in matters relating to all zoning ordinances.
Meets: As needed, which is typically 1-2 times per year.
Term: Three years