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Letter from City Administrator Mike Golat to Citizens of Altoona

Thursday, March 19, 2020
Mike Golat | Altoona City Administrator

March 19, 2020

Dear Altoona Citizens,

Today,  to do our part in limiting the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the City is closing City Hall and the library to visitors. Most City services will continue, but we are making adjustments on how those services will be provided. Please continue to check the City ( and library
( websites for updates. The City's customer service department will remain available by phone at 715-839-6092 or by email at and our employees will be able to answer any questions you may have. Please also consider following the City 's various social media platforms - Facebook ( @altoonawi), Twitter (@altoonawi), Instagram (@cityofaltoonawi) or on Nextdoor. 

Many City processes may be initiated online. Forms and applications can be found by visiting the City's website as noted above and double-clicking on the "Residents"  tab. The forms and applications will be visible on the left side of the page. You may mail forms and applications to City Hall, 1303 Lynn Avenue, Altoona, WI 54720, or drop them,  along with any applicable fees, in the drop box for utility payments located on the outside of the City Hall near the front door.

As mandated by the State of Wisconsin, the community room will continue to remain open to accommodate early voting.  However, we are encouraging registered voters to opt for mail-in voting by following these instructions. 

If you are a registered Wisconsin voter, you may visit and click on the "Vote Absentee" button on the left side of the page to request a ballot be mailed to you. You will be asked to provide a copy of your photo identification along with your request if identification is not already on file with the City.   More information about photo ID can be found at 

Any questions related to requesting an absentee ballot can be directed to City Clerk Cindy Bauer, at 715-839-6092. Your request must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday before the election in order for an absentee ballot to be SENT to you.  

Yesterday, I provided a briefing to City Council at a special meeting wherein the Council affirmed Mayor Pratt's March 17th proclamation of emergency in the City of Altoona related to the COVID-19 outbreak. An updated briefing is attached, which includes an explanation of the intent of the emergency proclamation.

We appreciate everything you all are doing to keep each other safe and healthy. Please practice the hygiene and social distancing guidelines as suggested by the CDC and County Health Department. The quickest way through this crisis will be to all work together and do our respective parts. We apologize for any inconvenience changes in operations may cause-please contact me if you have an idea regarding how we can do something better. I may be reached Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 715-839-6092. You can also email me at I check my email frequently, even on weekends.



Mike Golat
City Administrator


Click here to view the letter and update >>